I’M BACK! A Not-So-Short Vlog

I haven’t been super present on my YouTube channel (or here) lately, and in this video I’ll try to explain why that is. What’s more, I’m telling you all about my nefarious plans for the channel that might even spill over onto the blog!

If you want to hold me accountable for doing all those things you might want to subscribe, and if you liked it and give a subsequent thumbs-up I’d be so flattered.

Have a wonderful weekend!

MerMay 2019 Prompt List

Hedgefairy Tales | MerMay 2019 Prompt List

I think 2019 is finally the year I don’t forget about MerMay – it’s basically Inktober but in May and with a theme – until it’s well underway. I’ve been wanting to do MerMay for ages now because I always love a challenge and if it’s about mythical creatures, even better, but always forgot about it until I saw all the beautiful mermaids on social media. Oh well. Bother.

To motivate myself this year I made my own prompt list, too, feel free to use it! I’d love to see your creations if you take part in MerMay, so if you do I’d love if you left a link to your Instagram or Tumblr or wherever you post your art in the comments.

Intermission: Mailing List?

I hate checking my e-mails. I have no idea why, I just do. It helps that with one of my accounts I get everything on my phone right away but I need to have those two accounts separated because everything else just confuses me. Anyway, I found a mail from a reader from over a month ago (I really need to check them more often) and I was incredibly sorry for not reading it sooner.

If you have email updates for your blog, please ad me. Bloglovin and RSS feeds don’t work for me, for whatever reason–

thanks and best wishes

Thanks hun, you’re so lovely for bringing that to my attention! Does anyone else have the same issues with bloglovin’ and RSS for my blog? I personally am a “bookmarks everything, puts them in category folders and just checks all of them a few times a week” person so I must admit that I don’t use these tools. With this, though, I’m considering a mailing list to keep readers without feeds or an unhealthy addiction to bookmarking posted. Would you like that? Would you subscribe? How the f*ck does that even work (I’ll find out, of course)? Do you have any experience with mailing lists?
Because I know that not everybody likes writing comments, here’s a poll for that:

Multiple answers are enabled, too.

Thanks so much in advance for helping me in making your experience with this blog a better one! I love you.

Go On And Cross The Threshold Well


I’ve been a bit absent in the time leading to and during the holidays thanks to the lack of an internet connection of our own at the new flat (yet) and excessive playing of Don’t Starve as well as extra work and resulting stress. I’ve taken a week off, finally, to start my new year with self-care, to replenish my energies and get back my inner strength. I hope you are all well – fed, rested, warm (but not too hot, for you in the Southern hemisphere) – and if you are not I hope you soon will be.

I wish you the best of transitions into the new year – how I long for the sound of the bells announcing that 2017 with all its trouble has passed, to chime out change and new hope, lightened up by fireworks. I’m so glad we made it to Winter Solstice already, and that the longest night is over. I’m spending the night with friends and food and rum and sparklers (and probably explosives, too, yeah) here at the new nest above the backyards.

Have a wonderful last night of the Year of the Star and an even better start into the Year of the Moon. I’ll see you all in 2018!

WTF America

I usually don’t write about real-world politics on here but in this case I have to:


I fear for women. I fear for LGBTQ+ people. I fear for everyone who isn’t an old white male and able-bodied and hetero-cissexual. I fear for the rest of the world for yet another old white male has risen to power, and one with a bloody set of power complexes, too.

I hope nobody of my relations and friends in the U.S. voted for that train wreck. If they did I’m disowning them. Shame.

Welcome to 2016, a truly dark year. And right now I dare not to hope that 2017 will be any better.


Just chiming in for my seventh blog anniversary.
Seven years. Oh wow.

I’m still incredibly in over my head with the game (hence the creative recycling of my recent moon graphic – that and because I like it a lot) so I’ll keep it short:

Thanks for coming here every day, or when I post, or once in a while, or for the first time.Thanks for the comments and thoughts and the feeling that I’m not just screaming my little adventures into the void.
Thanks for reading.

Thanks. I hope we’ll have many more years together.