UFO Friday

UFO is short for UnFinished Object, or, more precise and actually, prOject, and this might or might not end up as a new weekly feature to keep myself working at the things I show you (and, of course, to show you the things I’m working at). I’m just more motivated when I know that people are expecting progress. ^^


My window sill garden is growing wonderfully. I already took six little pumpkin seedling with me when I visited the Shire last weekend, and when I came back a seedling explosion had happened. Now I’ve got to find new pots for seven (!) of them growing in one little tin can.

I’m also working on a new rag rug for the floor space in front of my shelves. I get “but that floor is so ugly!” a lot, and this is the ultimate scrap heap reduction project. I’m somewhere between 20 and 25 cm at the moment, not too bad for the first day (more info and a tutorial when I’m actually done, I promise)!

I hope you’ll all have a great weekend. ♥

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